Monday, September 14, 2009
Photos of the 9/12 'Tea Party' Protests
If after seeing those photos you think these so-called 9/12 Tea Party protesters are anything but a fringe minority (only 3000+ followers on twitter!) of uninformed, violent, dangerous lunatics, racists & thugs, disavow yourself of that notion immediately. These people are irrational and do not have a shred of decency. Why some of them aren't being arrested or at least, investiagted for making threats against the life of the president, I have NO idea. Bill Maher was right, President Obama needs to Stand Up For The 70 Percent Of Americans (more like 80-90% +IMHO) Who Aren't Crazy....
[via Huff Post]
9/12 Tea Party Protest - website | twitter
Labels: Barack Obama, Bill Maher, Healthcare, Racism, Right Wing Nutjobs, US race relations