Thursday, February 10, 2005
Remembering Jimmy Smith (1928-2005)

Faces and stylists, today's post is a special all-mod edition in honor of the late, great ace hammond jazz organist, Jimmy Smith. If you were down with any of that acid jazz malarkey in the early 90's, then know that this man was a chief architect of the orginal sound which inspired that whole movement - you must learn.
A biography written by Pete Fallico in July 1994.
NPR on Jimmy Smith.
Related: Norman Jay, co-founder of the legendary acid jazz record label, Talkin Loud and possibly the coolest man on the planet who improbably but effortlessly embodies the ethos of both modernism and soul boy culture demonstrates why he's the Queen's DJ of choice by spinning at APT in NYC this weekend.
And to end: A Brief History of Modern Soul
More stuff maybe Friday or over the weekend....