<i>Other Music from a...</i> Different Kitchen <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Friday, June 05, 2009

Video: Young Jews Speak on Barack Obama in Jerusalem (June 3, 2009) 

I was gonna wrap it up for the night but I just saw this and had to post it. Granted these kids are drunk but wow! That's the response from young Israel on the eve of the president's impassioned outreach to the Muslim world, something that I would have thought most reasonable people would agree is necessary?? It's pretty scary that the most rational person in the entire video was this guy. My favorite part of the video though was this broad who claimed Obama was a terrorist, not American and a secret Muslim and she knew that 'cos she was a political science major... but she didn't know who Benjamin Netanyahu was! LMAO.... [via MTO]


Mondoweiss | Max Blumenthal

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