Saturday, January 29, 2005
"Free Mysonne, That's the Campaign" - the Class of 2005 MC's Take the Stage

Jae Millz - next to blow (no homo)?
"Now, I'm gonna say this and please don't be mad or take it out of context. People, the level of heat that yall brought to Hot 97 is wonderful.
But yo, I for one worry that a lot of this rage is just pure bloodlust, some old let's-go-see-the-5pm-execution-in-the-town-square, while all the real criminals are still out there.
Tell me I'm wrong. Or better yet, tell me how we now get to the real criminals. Alright?"
Jeff Chang touches on an issue in the most recent post on his site that I've been thinking about WRT this Hot 97 "Tsunami Song" controversy. Where was this level of activism and outrage in response to all the bullsh-t of the Bush administration agenda during the past four years or at least during the campaign season when it was needed the most? Miss Jones and Todd Lynn's actions are inarguably reprehensible but frankly, there are way worse things going on around the world, many of them perpetrated by your government directly or by others with their complicity. Ditching the Hot 97 morning show crew will be a one tiny problem resolved in a world where we are facing monumental issues needing people united at this level and far beyond. Let's get focused.
Jae Millz "Who?" - this is the song Enuff has been spinning that I was raving about the other day. This joint is super bananas. Ron Browz, they 'gon hate you after this one. Wanna Blow Ent. - don't f-ck this one up. (mp3 courtesy | related: Millz' official website)
Red Cafe "Rap Chick" - first of all, apologies in advance to Lynne, Julianne and anyone else who may be offended by this track. Red was another NYC mixtape monster who came up in the post-50 cent era along with Cassidy, Jae Millz, Saigon, Shells etc. This one can't f-ck with BIG's "Dreams" but I'ma ride with him on this 'til he drops a real banger. (mp3 courtesy | He also has a joint on the Coach Carter soundtrack album - this is not the banger I'm looking for either but it's pretty close).
Also, check out my man Bathgate interviewed on He's in good company with 50 cent, and The Game on the front page of the Artist Profiles section of their site. Peace to my man Bryan for the hook-up (more coverage on Bath at
Finally, Maya Arulpragasam (aka M.I.A.) has either been "hanging out" with DJ Diplo way too much or she blogs under the pseudonym Nick Catchdubs based on the selections she made in her New York Times "Playlist".