<i>Other Music from a...</i> Different Kitchen <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

New music: Duece Poppi - "My White Friends" 

Now obviously Duece Poppi is not a white guy but he does have a lot of them in his video because the nature of this song. And with that, I think this is a good way to end the first (and probably only) #WhiteGuyWednesday - with a record which, while totally tongue-in-cheek and gimmicky, speaks partially to why I did this series of posts in the first place: skin color is becoming more and more irrelevent in hip hop. Anyone who didn't find at least a couple fire joints out of everything I posted today either wasn't looking hard enough or might have a little Keith Bardwell in 'em themselves!


Duece Poppi
- "My White Friends" [yousendit mp3 link]


Duece Poppi
- website | myspace | twitter


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