Saturday, March 07, 2009
Preview to Elliott Wilson's

Click image for a full preview courtesy Eskay
Elliott Wilson (aka YN) has astutely done the rounds of the all the key 'tastemaker' outlets in the 'hip hop blogosphere' promoting his new venture, the hiphop music, news & gossip portal, In fact, it feels he's done more promo for this website than most artists do for their album releases. I think more regular hip hop online habituées could tell you that Rap Radar launches this Monday (March 9) than could tell you when any of the albums by Busta, Jada, Lil Wayne et al. were scheduled to drop. Or maybe that's just me?
This should be an interesting case study to observe in the evolution of the hip hop web 2.0 though as an 'old media' titan finally takes on this new media world full time. As I said in a comment I lfet on Nah Right, he’s done SO much pre-publicity for this venture, it could actually backfire on him. Awareness is sky-high in the core and so are expectations after all the smack he’s talked. But can he meet them? I mean: is he gonna out-exclusive NMC on a regular basis? Doubtful. Is he gonna out-gossip Miss Info or Mediatakeout? Probably not. Is he gonna out-News AHH, SOHH, HiphopDx or Ballerstatus? Maybe but they’ve got years on him as far as being able to develop reputations for being the 'Go To' sources for hip hop news online and that's no disrespect to what he did with XXL magazine's online site. All I’m saying is that if this thing ain’t fiya out the gate on Monday morning, he’s gonna likely get killed by the word-of-mouth and it could end up being real embarrassing but dude is very smart and very good at what he does so this will be worth keeping an eye on.
Online: - 3.9.09
Labels: Eliot Wilson, Web 2.0