<i>Other Music from a...</i> Different Kitchen <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Friday, October 12, 2007

Young Jeezy feat. Rick Ross - "Straight Out the Rarri" (audio) 

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I have no idea what this is from but it's f-cking epic!!! S'funny, I was rockin' Trap or Die today at work and it's still better than either of Jeezy's offcial Def Jam albums. I just got a CD copy of that Ricky Ross pre-Def Jam album last week too so I'm gonna peep that this weekend.

Young Jeezy feat. Rick Ross - "Straight Out the Rarri" (direct mp3 link - Right Click and Save As | alt. streaming audio link: via Fader)

BTW: I love how they misspell FeRRARI for this shortened slang version of the car brand's name, LOL.

(h/t: Bumsquad)

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