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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

War on Terror Update: Homeland Security is a Joke! 

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You know I've never had any doubt that Bush somehow managed to Jedi Mind trick everyone into thinking he was strong on homeland security for the past six years when he's pretty much been clueless and incompetetnt the entire time. But if you needed any further proof that terrorists could probably strike again right here in the US at will, here's some sobering info from Fox News of all places:

"More than four-hundred uniforms and identification cards issued to security screeners have been reported lost or stolen from a National-Capital area airport.

The disappearances have been reported at Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport since November of 2001.

The Washington Times reports that losses at B-W-I were second only to losses reported at Los Angeles International Airport during the same five year period.

According to Transportation Security Administration records, 128 uniforms and 31 identity badges disappeared during the 12 month period ending September 30th, 2003.

The federal agency reports that 97 uniforms and 35 I-D cards were reported lost or stolen from Ronald Reagan Washington National during the five year period while only seven uniforms were reported missing from Dulles International."

Link here.

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