<i>Other Music from a...</i> Different Kitchen <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Friday, December 22, 2006

Move over Michael Richards and Mel Gibson... 

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Bigotry served up with a smile: Rep. Virgil Goode (R-Va)

Virgil Goode is the new face of American racism & bigotry!

From the Washington Post:

Virgil Goode: A Bigot in Congress.

Via the Huffington Post:

Virgil Goode Betrayed God AND Country, While Ellison's An American Hero.

Why Virgil Goode is So Wholly Wrong.

Virgil Goode is Directly Attacking Me and I'm Pissed.

And at

Rep.-elect Keith Ellison (D-Mn.): Goode has 'a lot to learn about Islam.'

The most amazing thing is how many people seem to have no problem with this dude's flagrant hatred and intolerant views. Why??

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