<i>Other Music from a...</i> Different Kitchen <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Saturday, October 14, 2006

“This genocide will be on your watch. How you deal with it will be your legacy — your Rwanda, your Cambodia, your Auschwitz....” 

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The Kitchen does it for the kids, the f-cking kids!

The quote in the post title above comes from actor George Clooney during a press conference about the Darfur crisis at the United Nations last month.

It's sad how we need white celebrities to shine the spotlight on and raise awareness of the problems in Africa. Now it's become trendy for them to be interested in the cause.

Vaguely-related: posts from "Anderson Cooper's 360°" show blog here covering his time in the Congo and Darfur a couple weeks ago.

Meanwhile back home:

Earl Ofari Hutchinson says, "Despite what Oprah says, Obama's not the right tonic for Democrats." (click here for the column from the Hutchinson Report | related: American Prospect on a possible Barack Obama 2008 run)

And an essay by the promoter of “ex-gay” movement sparks racism charges with its claims that Africans brought to the Americas as slaves were "better off."

Anti-hip hop coonery video banned by YouTube. S'funny cos me and one of my co-workers were watching BET "Rap City" earlier this week and I nonchalently joked about the fact that level of minstrelsy in current rap videos and mainstream hip hop culture was off the scale nowadays but it's so prevalent now that people didn't really notice it any more. NYOIL's video isn't that well-done but his points are well-taken and needed to be made for some sort of balance in the game right now. It's ironic that this video would be banned when there's so much other garbage allowed to be aired for our kids to watch.

Something else our kids, boys and girls, need to see: A Girl Like Me - short film about young black female self-image issues. It's nothing most of y'all who made it out of college haven't read or been exposed to before but seeing it again in this format makes you wonder when black folks are gonna move past this BS. Ever?

Bol's "Reality Check" - popular myths about black men debunked. Amongst the "shock-blog" prose, he actually makes some salient points.

"A Maine couple accused of tying up their 19-year-old daughter, throwing her in their car and driving her out of state to get an abortion were upset because the baby's father is black, a Maine sheriff said Tuesday."

Dork mag looks at the movie Black Gold.

Finally, direct charity is always the best but also help fight the spread of AIDS inf Africa by buying an iPod nano (PRODUCT) RED Special Edition.

More good reading:

- Different Kitchen previously on the crisises in Darfur and the Congo.

- Barely Keeping Our Heads Above Water? More from the Kitchen on black political, cultural and social issues recently.

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