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Sunday, August 06, 2006

It Just Gets Worse 

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Condi Rice: is her failing upwards run finally over or is Rummy the one in the hot seat??

Violence Forcing More U.S. Troops into Iraq.

Top US commander warns of civil war in Iraq.

When they're not bombing and killing in Baghdad, they're marching there in support of Hezbollah.

Luckily, the US has their eye on the ball:

"Even before the bombs fell on Baghdad, a group of senior Pentagon officials were plotting to invade another country. Their covert campaign once again relied on false intelligence and shady allies. But this time, the target was Iran." (click here to read more from " Iran: The Next War" by James Bamford from Rolling Stone)

And a look at the hypocrisy evident in the difference between America's foreign and domestic policy. (related: Americans endorse Bush's "principled stand" to protect the "sanctity of life" by rallying to adopt embryos to create "snowflake children.")

Fire Condi? She might end up being the fall gal instead of president (BTW: WTF was all that "Condi for President" talk about a few months back?) if Hilary doesn't get her man, but hey - you sleep with the devil....

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