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Saturday, May 06, 2006

Let Me Get A Few Things Off My Chest 

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Mike Lukovich: so on it.

I've finally gotten around to reading some back posts on one of my favorite political blogs,, so I'm gonna bite a bit of their content for this post: on Bush and the CIA's hypocrisy surrounding Porter "Hookergate" Goss's resignation.

Iraq, Afghanistan and US "War on Terror" ally Pakistan make the Top 10 Failed States list as compiled by the US Foreign Policy magazine and the US-based Fund for Peace think-tank.

War on Iran? "Double or nothing" is not a foreign policy.

I mean What Would Jesus Do? (related: This is f-ckin' disgrace if it's true - "It seems that a young woman by the name of Ava Lowery, a 15-year-old from Alabama has been getting death threats for a powerful video she produced called "WWJD" (What Would Jesus Do)." - click here to read more.)

Remember When? Why disparging the "pre-9/11 mindset" Cheney-style is so overrated.

Speaking of Cheney: that dude is friggin' INSANE.

Meanwhile: Dear Leader’s prep plan for the upcoming hurricane season: "Let’s, first of all, pray there’s no hurricanes...." HOLY SH-T, be VERY afraid!! (related: "U.S. Ill-Prepared For What Forecasters Say Will Be Another Brutal Year For Hurricanes" - click here to read more)

Immigration debate-related: "If life begins at conception, how come we grant citizenship to children born in the U.S. but not to children conceived in the U.S.?" (click here to read more)

Cheryl Aldave also has some good coverage of the immigration story as well as the Duke Lacrosse rape case and other race & social issues.

Masintream Media: DO YOUR F-CKIN' JOB. Take notes from Ray McGovern if you've forgotten how to. But people, you know it ain't gonna happen so WE need to keep holding the Bush administration's feet to the fire ourselves.

And finally, it might be fun to start a pool prediciting how long it will take for the administration to collapse in utter disgrace and failure. Sadly, smart money could still go on "will complete full second term intact" despite the almost daily new controversies. I'm out though - it's WAY too nice outside to be sitting in front of a f-ckin' computer blogging.

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