<i>Other Music from a...</i> Different Kitchen <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Thursday, March 09, 2006

"We are fully prepared to help...." 

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What the f-ck was Bush doing back in NOLA yesterday even as conservatives are saying his efforts at restoring the hurricane-ravaged Gulf Region have been atrocious? I don't even know how he has nerve to show his face after the news that broke earlier this week. (related: links to the infamous video of Bush being warned about the possibility of the levees being breached by the hurricane before Katrina struck here.)

Bush better get his game tight: the start of Hurricane season is only about three months away!


Report: Only $25m of the $2b Katrina relief aid has been spent so far. (read more here)

Freedom of Speech and civil liberties take another blow to the gut in the "Land of the Free" in this FEMA/Katrina-related lunacy.

A new Gallup poll indicates that Bush's disapproval rating is the highest of any president since Nixon. OK, so let's...

"Impeach the President"
(thanks, DJ Green Lantern, dead prez, Saigon, Immortal Technique & Just Blaze for the mp3 and repping a sentiment that Congress seems incapable of mustering up.)

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