Saturday, September 03, 2005
"You don't want to be here at night....."

Vacation is Over... an open letter from Michael Moore to George W. Bush (via Joe)
New Orleans: An Insider's Report -- it is truly frightening how bad the situation has become and how horrendously the aftermath of this disaster has been mismanaged.
NOLA's Mayor Ray Nagin going off -- this is ESSENTIAL listening and possibly the realest talk I've ever heard from a politician. (via
The Dept. of Homeland Security -- COMPLETELY FCCKIN' OUT OF TOUCH.
Via Sploid: "The richest, most powerful nation in the world can build schools, hospitals and shelters halfway around the globe, but it can’t provide the basic necessities for its own days after a disaster that everybody saw coming? [emphasis added]" (read more at )
Could the people in charge of managing the catastrophe in New Orleans possibly be more clueless?
"[I]t must be tough to be the president when everything you do is wrong....." (read more at
After possibly the greatest natural disaster in US history, what's the GOP's response? Making sure the senate vote on repealing the estate tax is not delayed this upcoming week. Is NOW really the time for MORE tax cuts - WTF?!!
And more right wing insanity from their religious extremist division.
While Condi shops and vacations as Nawleans drowns, burns and starves.
Yo, Bill O'Reilly should be bitch slapped.
And heads-up, 'New Orleans Disaster: The Sequel' is coming Oct. 17
"It hasn't been widely discussed yet, but another disaster will strike the victims of Hurricane Katrina on October 17, 2005. And Bush can't say that he didn't anticipate it. He orchestrated it.Peep Wesley Clark's take on the Bush admin's inept handling of the Hurricane Katrina disaster: it all comes down to leadership.
The president's beloved Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act goes into effect on that day.
Interesting that while the bill was passing though the House Judiciary Committee early this year, Democrats attempted to amend the bill to include measures to protect victims of natural disasters such as hurricanes.
The amendment to the bill, proposed by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) was voted down without debate. Along party lines...."
And the cronyism and profiteering begins....
So finally, let me leave you with some music to leaven out all the news and commentary links. George Bush and the GOP, this one goes out to y'all:
G-Unit, Mase, Mobb Deep & M.O.P. "300 Shots" (via
(Mase, where's your bible??)