Monday, September 19, 2005
"To the extent the federal government didn't fully do its job right, I take responsibility...."

Wardance - the excellent new current affairs blog from the folks behind the Broke B-Boys mp3 blog.
A timeline of what happened when during the Hurricane Katrina storm and aftermath from Think Progress.
The Daily Kos on the many episodes of FEMA incompetence and ineptitude. (via the Sirotablog)
Also: this man almost died because of Bush's FEMA.
And it's not just Michael Brown, DHS chief Michael Chertoff needs to be fired too.
Meanwhile, compare the difference in how Bush communicated with Democratic La. governor Kathleen Blacno and Republican Ms. governor Haley Barbour.
Separate but Equal? Schooling Of Evacuees Provokes Debate - this deserves a double WTF??
Jeff Chang on how reporters of color are being harassed and arrested in the Gulf Coast.
But finally, Katrina ushers in the return of Big Government. Meanwhile, Bush wants you to open your check book to help with the reconstruction... of Iraq! I guess we need to clean that up before we go into Syria.
I don't have time to keep up with it all though, so click here for links to the most up-to-date info on Katrina and the aftermath.