Saturday, September 24, 2005
"I done called for a shelter, I done called for help. There ain't none. No one answers...."

I'm not gonna be as comprehensive in my coverage of Hurricane Rita as I was with Katrina - I just don't have time the time right now. But y'all know where to go to get that realness. Here's few choice links to hold you down in the meantime though:
This first one is slightly outdated now that Rita is on the way but worth reading anyway: "Despite the good intentions and generosity of communities across the country and President Bush's promises of federal help, many Katrina victims would be better off if they actually were among those officially labeled refugees and accepted for resettlement by the United States, experts on the process say...." (Click here for more from "Refugee Groups Reaching Out to Victims of Hurricane" The New York Times)
"Four years and billions of dollars of planning, and guess what? We can't evacuate a single city worth a damn...." from AmericaBlog's "Texas is a total disaster" (click here for more)
Deja Vu all over again: "No Way Out: Tears, Anger As Some Try to Flee and Many Poor Are Stuck in Houston" (click here for more | related: and even more from Sploid)
And proof that Bush is simply in WAY over his head: "President Bush was supposed to land here [Texas] on Friday afternoon on the first stop of a tour intended to make clear that he was personally overseeing the federal government's preparations for Hurricane Rita's landfall. But the weather did not cooperate. It was too sunny...." Duke canceled a trip because it didn't make a good enough photo-op, WTF?! (Click here for more)
Kyoto Protocol blowback like a muh'fccker: "Super hurricanes the result of global warming according to a leading UK scientist" (click here for more)
BTW, it's official: it was flaws in the design and/or construction of the levee protection system, not the storm itself, that led to tragic flooding in New Orleans.
No wonder W is back on the sauce (allegedly).
My prayers go out to everyone in the Texas and Gulf Coast regions and especially those who had evacuated to Texas post-Katrina as they go through yet another harrowing experience so soon after their last one. Also before I forget, welcome Guardian readers.