<i>Other Music from a...</i> Different Kitchen <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

"She doesn't represent the view of a lot of the families I have met with...." 

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"A remarkable, if sad, statistic. The United States has been in Iraq for 30 months. Of the latter 18 months, 15 of those have had a fatality count that is greater than or equal to the same month one year prior." (click here for more from uggabugga)

So is it any surprise that even the anti-war Right is growing?

And it's not just the war that Bush has got conservatives upset over either.

But Beltway Democrats still regurgitate the Right-wing's B.S. on Iraq. C'mon, people - get your minds right and your weight up. Duke is so out of touch (as are his peoples) that he and the GOP are crazy vulnerable right now. 2006, y'all.

Meanwhile, back in Iraq, militias are on the rise.

And Sunnis warn of civil war if the constitution is pushed through.

But we are: fighting them in Iraq so we can also fight them — again — in Afghanistan.

Plus read how the White House learned to stop worrying and love Islamic law.

Finally, after my link the other day to the real deal on how Jean Charles de Menezes was killed by trigger-happy London cops who allegedly thought he was a "terror suspect," here comes the REAL capper to the story: "Surveillance Tapes Of Tube Murder Returned Blank By Cops. [emphasis added]" What more can I say...?

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