Sunday, January 16, 2005
"It's easy to admire Dr. King, it's a challenge to follow him.''

Most people remember Martin Luther King, Jr. for his non-violent approach to the fight for civil rights four decades ago. What is less discussed is how, shortly before his death, King turned his focus more towards the anti-war movement and the wider struggle against poverty which reaches across all races and turns civil rights from a race-based issue into a class-based one. Sad to say though that almost forty years on from his untimely death, as much progress as the US has made in the wake of the signing of the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts, there are still many issues where little or no progress has been made.
Any why do people still treat MLK Day as the one holiday they don't have to honor 'cos I've met a bunch of folks who said they would be going into their offices tomorrow to work. Get your minds (and your hearts) right, people.
Some links to peep:
- "The life of Martin Luther King Jr."
- "Why I Oppose the War In Vietnam." (spotted via
- "Dr. King was not a "Dreamer"."
- "MLK's moral values."
- Expressing Faith Through Action - the progressive legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.
- Jesse Jackson says the War and Poverty sap King's legacy.
And via Kris Ex:
- "Ain’t No Other Kings"
- " The New Workout Plan"