Thursday, October 14, 2004
So who won?
Photo courtesy: CBCNews
Well I missed most of last night's debate. I caught the first five minutes when Bush made the unbelievable and colossal gaffe of claiming to never have said he was unconcerned with finding Bin Laden. I mean wasn't that even in Fahrenheit 9/11?! At that point I thought it was in the bag for Kerry and headed out. But then I saw the last 20 minutes or so on a repeat broadcast on MSNBC when I got back in. From what I saw of that, it looked like Bush stepped up and was holding his own well enough that the pundits and spinners could make a case for the debate being a tie. It seems that the public thinks otherwise though. (White House Press Release | Washington Monthly)
Swamped again so just one more CMJ FYI for tonight:
This might be sold out though.
And how to stop Sinclair Broadcasting in 3 simple steps. More on this debacle tomorrow or check some of the media & politics sites in the sidebar for the scoop right now.