Thursday, August 26, 2004
"Freedom means freedom for everyone...."
RNC delegates, welcome to New York. (Newsday via Boing Boing)
The Swift boat ads have been exposed by the press as blatantly false, but that hasn't stopped the Bush machine from pushing them. Has Kerry figured out how to fight back against the lies and the lying liars who tell them? Read the full story "When Republicans attack" by Tim Grieve at | Note: subscription or day pass req'd.)
General concedes some Abu Ghraib abuse was torture. (
For once though, should I be giving Cheney credit for standing up and doing the right thing on the gay marriage issue? (MTV News)
And in a double Ian-might-agree-with-the-conservatives shocker, is dismantling the CIA a good idea or is Fred Kaplan right? (The New York Times | Slate | Note: archive readers, the NYT link may be dead by time you read this)
But back to reality, here's a good question: why was this Newsday story removed from their website here immediately after being published?