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Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Bush vs. Our Forests | Draft Ditka? | Michael Moore's latest battle | "Outfoxed" 411 

If it's not oil, it's trees: The Bush administration plans to open up vast wilderness areas of the western US to logging, infuriating the country's environmental movement. (full story from The Independent)

Some points worth considering:
Your pictures and article on Sudan brought me to tears, anger and then questions. Why are our "Christian" leaders paying Halliburton and not feeding the starving Sudanese people? How is it that Pope John Paul II consecrated a $150 million giant basilica in Cote d'Ivoire while people there starved? Why do we, as followers of Christ, spend time and money persecuting homosexuals when Jesus said not a word about them, and then ignore his command to "feed my sheep"? How did we get the message so wrong? -- Joan Welk, Medina, WA.
from this week's letter column in Newsweek.

Draft Ditka?! Nah, vote Obama. (the real janelle)

Now: Michael Moore vs. Pete Townsend? (MTV News)

And related:

- Craving More Moore? Newsweek's list of other "left-wing" documentaries in current release.

- The story behind "Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism," the new documentary backed by liberal political groups that aims to document how the Fox News Channel is anything but "fair and balanced." (iwon News via Nadine S. Related: Robert S. Boynton on Robert Greenwald and his revolutionary, in both senses of the word, documentary filmmaking methods in "How to Make a Guerrilla Documentary" from The New York Times .    The "Outfoxed" official website.)

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