Monday, June 07, 2004
Another reason to go out this Summer: details on the June edition of Different Kitchen, the party.

Thanks to all those who came though to "move on up!" at the Cloak and Dagger on Saturday night. Great music, great crowd and great times. Thanks to Anousheh for allowing me to spin at her party.
Now, back to my NYC and (especially) Brooklyn folkers:
On the 1’s and 2’s this month:
- DJ Ceasar Gomez
- Tom Ryan of Virtu Music
- Taj from Ascensions (Philly)
And remember LOW has great (and inexpensive) food at the bar via the kitchen at Rice Restaurant upstairs, so don’t miss this (and bring friends).
See you Thursday night.
F train to York St.: walk 3 blocks on York (past Pearl and Adams Streets) to Washington.
A/C train to High St./Brooklyn Bridge: exit from rear of the train (coming from Manhattan), walk down Cadman Plaza West, make right at first light on to Prospect, pass under the overpass then first left on Washington.
BY CAR from Manhattan:
Over the Brooklyn Bridge - Take Cadman Plaza West Exit (stay in right lane). Right at light at end of exit ramp, bear right on to Prospect Street, drive under the bridge. Take first left on Washington Street.
Over the Manhattan Bridge - Take right on to Tillary Street. Take to end. Make right on to Cadman Plaza West, make right on to Prospect Street, drive under the bridge. Take first left on Washington Street.
For more details click here or email me.