<i>Other Music from a...</i> Different Kitchen <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Paris vs. George , The Source vs. Eminem and Jacko X? 

Here's something I would have never called: Michael Jackson last night became a member of the Nation of Islam. (New York Post)

The latest in The Source vs. Eminem saga: Court blocks magazine from distributing Eminem recording. (Newsday)

This pretty much makes sense to me: Paris Hilton Bigger TV Draw Than Bush. The Simple Life probably contains more reality than any media appearance by Bush anyway. (New York Post)

And Diddy really can do it all (other than rap, that is): First Diddy ran the city, now the Bad Boy will run over to Broadway where he will star in a revival of the Lorraine Hansberry play "A Raisin in the Sun." (

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